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Protected Areas (PAs) are a tool to protect culture and nature.

  • Traditional ways

  • Nature


  • Climate change

  • Development

  • Transport

Nature is integral to traditional practices, each influences the other

  • Strong coast line can better resist rising water levels and erosion

  • As ice melts we might see more use of arctic ocean, Hudson bay and James bay by big ships

  • Need eelgrass for geese, hunting and people

Stop this.

  • QC protects 50% of boreal forest in 2011

  • For the next 25 years

  • Protection is vague because development projects reach way further than the area they take up

  • They don’t agree to stay off traplines or culturally important spots

  • Whabouchi lithium mine built before 2017, it operated for a couple years, closed & they want to re-open it


Protected Areas

What are Protected Areas?


Protected areas (PAs) in Canada follow the IUCN definition:

“A clearly defined geographical space, recognised, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values”


But do they work?


Marine Protected Areas

Canadian Protected Conserved Areas Database (CPCAD)

  • This is what it looks like to report to the database

  • These aren’t even full PAs yet, they’re just reserved

  • They do get interim protection until its decided

  • PAs might be accepted strategically, although the government obviously wouldn’t say that

  •   â—‹   LGA development



Problems Chisasibi & Indigenous proponents should consider.

3 kinds of barriers:

  • Colonial System

  • Relationships

  • Using resources





  • Government needs to honor commitment to improving relationships with Indigenous people


  • Co-management is the most robust option

  • Must be mutually beneficial and respectful

Traditional knowledge:​

  • Indigenous peoples are known to be the best stewards

  • Must trust partners to share knowledge with them



How can we make PAs better?

  • The DFO uses similar criteria to assess the overall effectiveness of MPAs

  • First step is to set out criteria against which to evaluate results




Eastport - Newfoundland

  • Goal: sustainable fishing

  • Supported community goals and participation

  • Overall success for the community

Local fishers used to catch groundfish until the population collapsed in the 90s so they turned to lobster

  • They noticed they were overfishing the lobsters too so they created a protection group

  • Then the fishers recruited a university, the DFO, Parks Canada and even had a local high school class help collect data

  • At first they completely stopped all fishing in the area, waited 2 years when they saw the lobsters were healthy again then opened it up as an MPA where they could still fish enough to support themselves

  • This worked so well because the MPA is part of the community, they built it and truly wanted it to succeed and they involved people with a history/relationship to the sea. Fishers were in charge, not the government



Example: OECM Criteria

  • The area has defined boundaries-you can point to it on the map

  • Governing authorities are able to control activities within the boundaries

  • Governing authorities have the obligation to perform activities that lead to conservation in the area and restrict activities that are incompatible with conservation

  • Conservation is year round and will be maintained in the long term

  • Site goals will lead to conservation and biodiversity

  • Conservation objectives are not threatened by other site objectives

  • Governing authorities follow the management plan that is creating positive biodiversity outcomes, and no governing authorities threaten onsite conservation



How do we do it?


  1. Set goals

  2. Research PA types & choose one to suit your goals

  3. Apply for funding

  4. Studies

  5. Plan & design

  6. Apply to government body to establish PA


  • If you can place a PA before there’s mining claims, you can stop them from happening in the first place

  • Nature doesn’t stay in a box

  • â—‹Working with your neighbors protects nature better than trying to do it alone


Protected Areas

What is a PA, how do they work and why would we want one?

Basically 3 levels:

  • International

  • Federal

  • Provincial

  • â—‹   Each level has many types

  • â—‹   Sometimes overlapping controls

  • â—‹   They didn’t create it with IP in mind so they’re trying to make categories to include them now but it’s messed up

  • This is what the government sees, what the colonial system sets up

  • â—‹   No matter who you are you’re working within one of these if you choose to set up a PA, even ones that are designed specifically for IP


Marine Protected Areas

Canada says (2022)

  • 14.66% oceans protected

  • 14 MPAs, 3 NMCAs, 1 National Wildlife Area, 59 Marine refuges

Experts say (2021)

  • 0.1-0.4% strongly protected nationally

  • Only talking about formal MPAs


Marine Protected Areas

Problems with MPAs

Not allowed:

  • Bottom trawling

  • Dredging

  • Mining

  • Oil & gas

  • Dumping


  • Treaty rights

  • Science

  • Dumping ballast water

  • Transport

Grandfathered in:

  • Trawling

  • Oil & Gas

  • Dumping

  • Enforcement:​

  • Poor management

  • Not meeting protection standards


  • No standard evaluation methods

  • Exceptions to each rule if it aligns with research or conservation or it goes with the specific goals of that Marine Protected Area

  • Prior to 2019 there was not a clear definition of “dumping”, wastewater from ships is a common culprit

  • Not meeting protection standards means that either these activities are happening or they’re unable to stop other ones over fishing



Colonial System


  • Power imbalance

  • Inadequate processes

  • Indigenous involvement


  • Enforce regulations

  • Expertise

  • Finances


  • “System” means any colonial government, their laws and the way they’ve tried to set up the world

  • Minister has to approve activity application before MPA can be implemented and they have final decision making power

  • Requirements for indigenous involvement depend on the treaty/recognition of their legitimacy to claim

  • Capacity to hire or train locals or even get experts in to help from outside the community



Management: Power dynamic

  • Who controls what

  • Who has the final say

  • â—‹What is there to stop certain ppl or groups from doing something stupid




  • Co-management

  • Sharing responsibilities

Everything stems from governance

  • Governance does not solely refer to government structures, it includes laws, regulations, institutions, formal and informal arrangements and other decision-making systems and processes that direct resource use

  • When we’re thinking of creating any PA it’s essential to understand the limitations and benefits of the governance structure in charge of each type of PA

  • There’s so many kinds of PA's and conservation strategies, however a common theme in the literature is that co-management; is the most powerful kind

  • Holistic, well-rounded perspective, decentralize power, give power to local people who understand the lands/waters the best

  • Employ the correct governance and everything else will fall into place

Good Governance

  • Nature, the people & livelihood

  • Offset negative impacts

  • Create what you can manage, administer & enforce

  • Community involvement

  • Collaborate beyond boundaries



Useful types

  • Sometimes you have to report OECM and IPCA to CPCAD to get funding but you may be able to create one without reporting

  • â—‹Not necessary to report, but is helpful to legally protect an area

  • â—‹If no one knows about it, they’re going to be more likely to plan for development

  • The reporting gives the government access to the boundaries which they may report



CERRI’s work so far


  • Protected areas

  • Water contamination

  • Risks from transport on the Bay

  • Meat quality

  • Eelgrass

  • Geese

  • Applying for funding

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